
Everything DiSC Certification

The most trusted and widely used learning instrument in the industry is the Everything DiSC family of products.

The Everything DiSC ® family of products provides specific learning modules that employees need in the workplace today.

Each module provides answers to potential questions such as:

What is my style and how do I relate with other styles?

How do different styles like to communicate? 

How do I bring out the best in the people I manage?

How does DiSC help me guide and lead my team?

What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent?

How does emotional intelligence help me to work with others?

And more!

Everything DiSC® and Catalyst DiSC® can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the culture of the workplace. The personalized platform, Catalyst™, allows participants to see their colleagues’ style tendencies arranged in a clear and understandable way. It helps individuals work better together, and it helps entire teams identify their individual strengths to create effective strategies to work better with each other.  The Catalyst platform provides pop up prompts to help team members navigate working relationships. They will find tips on how to work better together, what the other person’s strengths are, and how to create connections or get buy-in from the other person’s perspective. 

Facilitation Kits Include:  Engaging facilitation, videos, and online tools create a personalized learning experience where participants come to understand and appreciate the styles of the people they work with.  When people are learning and sharpening skills that can help them be more productive, more energized, or get promoted, they want to make the most of the opportunity.  It’s people who make the difference and leaders to support, guide and motivate along the way.